Public Consultations Watch :: Global Calls for Input/Public Comment/RFIs ::: 17 June 2024 – Issue 19

GE2P2 Global is a non-profit foundation with a public benefit corporation affiliate advancing scientific rigor, ethical resilience, and integrity in research and evidence generation informing governance, policy, and practice.

In the context of this mission, GE2P2 Global is developing a formal monitoring approach to identify public consultations/calls for input/RFIs and similar opportunities across its focus areas of global health, human rights, humanitarian action, education, heritage, climate/environment, and sustainable development.

Monitoring this span of sectors yields a broad variety of public comment opportunities, even though this modality is not employed in any uniform way across the UN system, multilateral agencies, INGOs, or member states and their ministerial/regulatory bodies. As we are still refining our monitoring approach and broadening the range of calls included, we stress that this is an indicative and not an exhaustive digest.

In parallel, GE2P2 Global is striving to respond to these opportunities where the experience and expertise of members of our growing community of practice suggest that a meaningful contribution can be developed. The GE2P2 Global Foundation also functions as the secretariat for the Global Forum for Research Ethics and Integrity – a global group of individuals from over 30 countries who collaborate on analysis and action including response to public consultation opportunities primarily focused on global health and biomedical research.

We welcome information on calls for public consultation not captured here that would enrich this digest. Equally, individuals and organizations/institutions interested in collaborating on responses to any of the opportunities listed below are welcome to contact David R Curry, GE2P2 Global Foundation, at

Acknowledgements: We appreciate the support of Foundation Senior Fellow Gerald Schatz, JD for his continuing support in helping identify calls included in this digest, and Associate Fellow Sedem Adiabu, MPH for her critical role in the secretariat function which supports development of submissions to selected calls.

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  1. Pingback: Global Forum for Research Ethics & Integrity :: GFREI

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